A New York Times Bestseller for over 7 years, it was written by Mexican author, Shaman and teacher Don Miguel Ruiz. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, the book proposes 4 tenets for living that no doubt will broaden your perspectives on yourself and the way you interact with the world.
Each chapter breaks down an agreement in perfectly practical fashion. These simple yet powerful concepts will seriously impact your way of being. I highly recommend!!!
Yesterday I found a store that sold bookmarks with the agreements on the front and their descriptions on the back. I cleaned them out...think I got 6!
I recently shared the book with a friend who called me saying he loved it so much he bought it for 5 of his friends. I love turning people on to it and yesterday I discovered other Ruiz writings for myself! Check these out...

60-sec clip about THE FOUR AGREEMENTS app for itunes
Download THE FOUR AGREEMENTS app for itunes
THE FOUR AGREEMENTS Wisdom Collection: 3-Book Boxed Set (Order online at Amazon.com for less than $20!)
I might have to purchase this even though I already have a copy. It's an amazing price with the 2 additional books- haven't read them yet.
Download inspiring apps for you and your kids at Oceanhouse Media
There is nothing like great/inspiring iPhone apps. Thanks for posting. I am going to post this on my nao fb page.